The teaser flies on this page are the result of much testing and successful fishing over the past six fishing seasons. Developed through our pro staff in an extensive daily fishing and tournament circuit, these teasers will perform under all conditions. Use our teasers with your favorite meat head or pair it up with one of our flies for a “Super Fly” rig. We have been doing the “Super Fly” rigging since the meat craze struck Lake Michigan. Use our teasers if you want top performance like our flies. Ask our Pro Staffers, Captain Mark Chmura of Pier Pressure Charters and Captain George Peplinski of Netminder Charters how our teasers have put them in the money so many times over the years in big tournaments.
Pier Pressure First Place Ludington Gander Mtn. Pro Am 2007 Pro Division
Netminder First Place Northern Division "333" Big Fish Summer 2007
Teaser packages contain 3 teaser flies, 4 toothpicks and 3 beads. Use the toothpicks to hold the beads in place on your line between the flasher and the meat head or Rapture Trolling Fly. The beads obviously serve as stoppers for the teaser flies without damaging the line like crimps.
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 01 January, 2013.